19 Jan 2018 TACC Save The Date Released
The Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) is pleased to release their 2018 Save The Date which includes Chamber events, TACC partner events, and a brief highlight of area events that are visitor focused. The TACC Save The Date is used to promote the year ahead for the Chamber and the Ticonderoga Area but is also handed out to visitors and all area businesses.
The businesses can use this and the online calendar as a planning tool for the year. A full calendar of events with details, as well as a printable 2018 Save The Date flyer can be found online at www.ticonderogany.com. Printed versions are available at the Chamber Office.
The Chamber kicked off 2018 with the first networking opportunity of the year which was held at the Ticonderoga Elks Lodge on January 18th. This was also used to release the 2018 Save The Date.
2018 Chamber Events:
Chamber Day: April 17th
National Small Business Week: April 29th – May 5th
16th Annual TACC Fundraiser Dinner & Auction: Friday, June 15th
Ticonderoga Area Farmers Market: Saturdays – July through October 2018
*Mother’s Day Weekend Market on May 12th and Holiday Market on November 30th.
Chamber of Commerce Week: September 10th – 16th
Community Appreciation Dinner & Awards Ceremony: October 25th
Small Business Saturday: Saturday, November 24th
8th Annual Ticonderoga Area North Country Christmas: November 23rd – December 2nd *
Holiday Shopping & Dining Night is November 30th.
A Business & Community Update Forum and a possible Restaurant Week to be announced.
Monthly services and seminars will also be held at the Chamber including Health Insurance Services, North Country Small Business Development Center Services, SCORE, Business Seminars and Trainings, and TACC Business Support and Services.
2018 Partner Events:
Ticonderoga End of Winter Carnival: March 3rd
Ticonderoga Area Beautification Week: May 7th -13th
Best 4th In The North: July 1st – 4th
StreetFest: July 28th
Ticonderoga Area Car Show: August 5th
Street Art Project & Auction: TBA
HalloweenFest: October 26th – 31st
*Business Trick or Treating on October 31st.
2018 After Business Mixers/Networking Opportunties (5:30 – 7:00 PM)
Ticonderoga Natural Foods Co-Op: February 8th
Ticonderoga Fire Department & Hall of Flame: March 15th
Sentinel Grille: April 12th
Bridge Point Communication/CPTELCO: May 24th
International Paper Company in coordination with Eddie’s Restaurant: September 20th
Heart Bay Lodges: October 18th
Gunnison’s Orchard & Bakery: November 15th
Ticonderoga Historical Society: December 13th
Look for detailed information on the above events as well as additional events to be announced.
“I would like to thank the many dedicated businesses, organizations, committees, and communities for their continued support, dedication, and commitment to the Ticonderoga Area. We are able to offer an array of experiences for our community members and visitors because of all of you. You all work so hard all year long to bring great events and opportunities to the area. I would also like to thank all of our Members, Partners, Staff Members, Board Members, Ambassadors, and Volunteers for your continued commitment and dedication to the Chamber and the future of the Ticonderoga Area,” shared Matthew Courtright – TACC Executive Director.
For a listing of 2018 events, complete calendar of events, detailed information, a fishing tournament schedule, area information, a printable 2018 Save The Date and a Ticonderoga Area Business Directory visit www.ticonderogany.com or call the Chamber at 518-585-6619. Events for the online calendar can be submitted directly online or by emailing chamberinfo@ticonderogany.com.