03 Jun Summer of Beautification 2021
The second Annual Summer of Beautification will take place in 2021. The Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC), the Ticonderoga Montcalm Street Partnership (TMSP), and the Town of Ticonderoga are pleased to announce there will be a Summer of Beautification again in 2021 with a theme of “Show Your Community Pride.” A number of projects, clean-up activities, and events will take place throughout May, June, July, and August making Ticonderoga better and more beautiful. Community members, businesses, and organizations are encouraged to show their community pride as well as volunteer to help.
Low-Cost Electronics Recycling: Saturday, June 19th: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Recycle your old electronics equipment! Available in the back of the previous Rite Aid Parking lot near the LaChute Trail in Downtown Ticonderoga. Good Point Recycling from Middlebury VT will be available from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Items Accepted: TVs ($15-$30), CRT monitors ($15), LCR displays ($10-$20), computers & laptops ($5), printers & scanners ($5-$10), small copy machines ($20), other small devices ($5), other big devices ($10-$15). Additional items may be accepted. Speak to a Good Point Staff Member on June 19th for details and pricing. Good Point does not accept air conditioners or appliances such as washers, dryers, refrigerators, and stoves.
Main Street/Business District Clean-Up: Thursday, July 15th & Thursday, August 19th: 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Meet TACC & TMSP representatives at the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce office on Montcalm Street at 6 PM to help. You can also sign up ahead of time by contacting the Chamber. Bags, disposable gloves, and tools needed will be provided to volunteers. You can also bring your own work gloves.
Businesses, Organizations, & Community Members Are Encouraged To Join Us By Sprucing Up Your Properties & Buildings! Projects will be happening throughout the Spring & Summer! Follow TACC & TMSP facebook pages!
Free Ticonderoga Transfer Station Day & Details TBA from the Town of Ticonderoga.
All NYS COVID-19 Guidelines will be followed.
For more information on Beautification projects and activities or to volunteer please call 518-585-6619, email emullen@ticonderogany.com, or visit www.ticonderogany.com, www.timainstreet.org, or www.townofticonderoga.org.