Author: Matthew Courtright

Ticonderoga Fly-In & Community Open House To Be Held June 8th Event To Showcase Ticonderoga Municipal Airport The Town of Ticonderoga is thrilled to announce that the first Ticonderoga Fly-In will take place on Saturday, June 8th, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Ticonderoga Municipal Airport. The airport is located on Shore-Airport Road in Ticonderoga, NY. The event will include exhibitions, demonstrations, aircraft on display, food trucks, important airport information, and more. A rain date of Sunday, June 9th has also been scheduled. The Fly-In will also be an opportunity for the Town of Ticonderoga to showcase the airport, recent...

The Ticonderoga Best 4th In The North Committee, a sub-committee of the Ticonderoga Montcalm Street Partnership (TMSP), is honored to announce that Pam Moser of Ticonderoga, NY is the 2024 Grand Marshal for the Best 4th In The North Parade. Pam Moser is a dedicated leader serving as a community volunteer for numerous organizations, committees, and programs. Pam is currently the Exalted Ruler at the Ticonderoga Elks Lodge, Director of Peak Force Cheer, and coordinates actively with the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce. Pam has been instrumental with the implementation of many community events via the Ticonderoga Elks including the youth...

The Ticonderoga Montcalm Street Partnership, StreetFest committee is already planning for the 15th Annual StreetFest which will be held on Saturday, July 27th, 2024 in Downtown Ticonderoga from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. The event is held on Montcalm Street in the heart of historic Ticonderoga, NY. StreetFest is a day-long celebration that is a must-do event each year in the Ticonderoga Area with sidewalk sales, shopping, variety of food, live entertainment all day, arts & crafts, kid’s activities, and much more. Details are being finalized for this event and the music and entertainment schedule will be available as the...

The Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) was recently awarded an Adirondack Foundation Generous Acts Grant focused on economic vitality. This funding will allow the TACC to strengthen TACC internal capacity, expand their Employment Opportunities services and programs to better support the business community, and help fortify the economic vitality of the Ticonderoga Area. The TACC Employment Opportunities program is part of the Chamber’s overall economic development initiative entitled, “Small Towns Big Opportunities”. The TACC Small Towns Big Opportunities initiative, key areas of focus include: Business Recruitment & Retention Business Development Support, Services, Assistance, & Resources Business Trainings & Leadership Development Employment...

War Cannon Spirits located in Crown Point, NY will host the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) May Networking Event and After Business Mixer on Thursday, May 16th from 5:30 – 7:00 PM. War Cannon Spirits is located at 2849 NYS Route 9N in Crown Point, NY. Sponsors providing door prizes that attendees can enter to win include Brannock Properties, Hot Biscuit Diner, Julie & Co. Realty, Milya, LLC, Mountain Lake Consignment, and Ti Automotive. “War Cannon Spirits is delighted to host our first Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce Networking Event and After Business Mixer on May 16th. Our Chief Distiller, Joel...

The Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (ROOST), in coordination with the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC), has released the results of the 2023 Lake Champlain Region bass tournament survey, developed to assess the economic impact of the region’s fishing tournaments. Overall economic impact of the fishing tournaments in 2023 was substantial. Visitors contributed positively to the local economy, with an estimated total spend in Essex County amounting to more than $2 million. The Ticonderoga area and Lake Champlain Region typically host 30-40 tournaments between May and October each year, depending on each tournament’s rotation of contracted locations, with many of these...

Visit the Ticonderoga Area this Memorial Day Weekend with multiple celebrations, family focused activities, and opportunities to honor those who have died in service to the United States of America. Events will take place in Crown Point, Hague, and Ticonderoga, NY. Come experience the Ticonderoga Area, Small Towns with Big Events. Friday, May 24th: Silver Bay YMCA Memorial Day Weekend Celebration: Silver Bay, NY Silver Bay’s Memorial Day Weekend Celebration will take place Friday, May 24th through Monday, May 27th with a variety of events including food, family fun, outdoor recreational activities, crafts, games, and more. Visit for details and a schedule...

22nd Annual TACC Fundraiser Dinner & Auction – “Into The Wild,” A TACC Safari The Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) 22nd  Annual Fundraiser Dinner and Auction will be held on Friday, June 14th, 2024 at The Barn at Lord Howe Valley from 5:30 – 10:00 PM. The theme of this year’s event is “Into The Wild,” A TACC Safari. The event will include a fantastic menu provided by HB Catering, a cash bar with an array of options by Eddie’s Restaurant, silent auction, live auction, music by DJ Cruz, dancing, photographs by Ashley Rivers Photography, and exciting theme aspects. Early...

The Crown Point Memorial Day Committee is planning a two-day event to commemorate the 156th Annual Celebration; one of the longest consecutive events in New York State. The Memorial Day Celebration will take place on Sunday, May 26th and Monday, May 27th, 2024 in Crown Point, NY. This annual event is a must do for residents and visitors to the region. 156th Annual Crown Point Memorial Day Celebration – Schedule of Events:    Sunday, May 26th: 12:00 PM: Veteran’s Memorial Park Opens: Rides, Games, Entertainment, Food, and Craft Vendors. 12:00 – 5:00 PM: Penelope the Clown: Music, Balloon Animals, and Face Painting. 1:00 –...

The Town of Hague on Lake George will host their much-anticipated 2024 Memorial Day Celebration, the 21st Annual Parade & FunFest on Saturday, May 25th. This annual event is a must do for residents and visitors to the region. The schedule of events will include the following aspects: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM: FunFest at the Hague Town Park (located on Route 9N) Music, food, crafters, vendors, White Elephant Sale, games for the whole family, Penelope the Clown, bounce house, and more. Food concessions including hot dogs, burgers, and soft drinks are being provided by the local Hague Fish and Game Club....

Contact the Chamber
Contact Us
Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce
94 Montcalm Street, Suite 1
Ticonderoga, NY 12883

Phone: 518­-585-6619
Fax: 518­-585-9184

Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (April through October)
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM (November through March)

Map & visit our office