Chamber Day: Membership Matters & Benefits 101 Open House To Be Held April 17th

Chamber Day: Membership Matters & Benefits 101 Open House To Be Held April 17th

Chamber Day: Membership Matters & Benefit 101 Open House will take place on Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) office. This event will serve as an opportunity for Chamber Members to meet directly with Team TACC, learn how to maximize their Member Benefits, ensure their information and website listing are updated, and learn more about what their Membership Investment supports.

TACC Members will also be able to pick up their new Membership Plaque, updated Member Benefits 101 and Did You Know documents, and important Member Benefit information. In addition, refreshments will be available and all Members who attend can enter to win door prizes.

“Thank you TACC Members, Partners, Board Members, Ambassadors, and Volunteers. You make all our Member benefits, programs, services, events, initiatives, and efforts possible. We would not be here without you. You are why we exist. By being a TACC Member you are not only accessing amazing benefits but you are showing your support of the Chamber, your fellow businesses, organizations, the community, and our collective future. We work hard every day to ensure we are living our mission and tag line as well as striving to reach our vision and goals. Together we are stronger, and together we are moving the Ticonderoga Area forward. Continued great things are ahead,” shared Matthew Courtright, TACC President & CEO.

TACC encourages their Members to not only connect with a TACC Staff Member on April 17th but to ensure they display their TACC Membership Plaque proudly. TACC asks that the plaque be displayed in a location where it can easily be seen by community members and visitors.

Members who are unable to attend Chamber Day will either have their plaque and packet hand delivered by a TACC Board Member or Ambassador over the following week or it will be mailed to them directly.

Chamber Members receive an array of Member Benefits directly via TACC as well as through several of their partner agencies. TACC Membership Investment is not only an investment in their business or organization but the community and the future. Chamber Members and Partners make all the TACC programs, services, events, efforts, and initiatives possible.

Important TACC INFO:

TACC Tagline: Business Focused. Community Minded. Future Driven.

TACC Mission: To initiate and provide programs, services, and leadership which will enhance a cooperative business community and create a vibrant economy, making the Ticonderoga Area an exceptional place to live, work, and visit.

TACC Vision: The TACC will be the leading advocate for business, serving as a driving force in the economic vitality of the greater Ticonderoga Area, uniting communities and maximizing resources.

Key Areas of Focus:

Membership: Membership Services, Growth, & Retention

Business: Business Services, Support, & Development

Tourism: Marketing, Events, & Visitor Services

Communication: Public, Business & Community Relations

Leadership: Partnerships, Economic Development, Sustainability, & Advocacy

Organization: Finance, Staff, Board of Directors, & Ambassadors

For more information on Chamber Day: Membership Matters & Benefits 101 Open House visit, like and follow the TACC Facebook page, or call 518-585-6619.


Contact the Chamber
Contact Us
Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce
94 Montcalm Street, Suite 1
Ticonderoga, NY 12883

Phone: 518­-585-6619
Fax: 518­-585-9184

Office Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (April through October)
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM (November through March)

Map & visit our office