07 Mar Employment Opportunities – Are You Hiring?
Businesses & Organizations Encouraged To Submit Current & Upcoming Open Positions
The Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) is encouraging TACC Members, area businesses, and organizations to submit their current and upcoming open employment positions for their Employment Opportunities database and website as part of their Small Towns Big Opportunities initiative.
“We know that finding employees for many of our local businesses and businesses around the nation, is and continues to be a challenge at this time. The TACC has an Employment Opportunities page on our website to promote local positions and opportunities that are available. This is part of our branded Small Towns Big Opportunities initiative. We ask that you email and keep the Chamber updated on positions you are looking for, when positions are filled, etc. We’re here to assist you. We encourage area employers to also promote and share our Employment Opportunities page. This will help all of our area businesses and organizations obtain the employees they need,” shared Matthew Courtright – TACC President & CEO.
TACC Members (area businesses and organizations) can email TACC their current and upcoming open positions (Employment Opportunities). This can include upcoming seasonal positions. Job listings with as much information as possible, can be emailed to coordinator@ticonderogany.com.
TACC Members can also submit positions directly on the TACC website via their Member Log In option. TACC Members can contact Kelly Carey (chamberinof@ticonderogany.com) our Office Administrator if you need assistance in setting up your Member Log In.
The general information needed for job postings includes Job Title, Description, Expiration Date For Listing, Contact Information & Image (image, including logo, preferred but not required).
Community Members as well as those looking to locate to the Ticonderoga Area are encouraged to utilize the TACC online Employment Opportunities page. This will help all of our area businesses and organizations obtain the employees they need.
For more information contact the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce at 518-585-6619 or visit www.ticonderogany.com.