26 Apr Memorial Day Celebration – 21st Annual Town of Hague Parade & FunFest
The Town of Hague on Lake George will host their much-anticipated 2024 Memorial Day Celebration, the 21st Annual Parade & FunFest on Saturday, May 25th. This annual event is a must do for residents and visitors to the region.
The schedule of events will include the following aspects:
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM: FunFest at the Hague Town Park (located on Route 9N)
Music, food, crafters, vendors, White Elephant Sale, games for the whole family, Penelope the Clown, bounce house, and more. Food concessions including hot dogs, burgers, and soft drinks are being provided by the local Hague Fish and Game Club. Funnel cakes and fried Oreos will be available as well. The Hague Volunteer Fire Department will also host a Chicken BBQ following the parade.
Mike’s Karaoke Machine: 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Cambridge Band Live Concert: 12:30 PM
Phil Singer, Caricature Artist: 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
2:00 PM: Parade: Route 8 to Hague Town Park on Route 9N
Bands, floats, clowns, classic cars, and Fort Ticonderoga Fife and Drum Corp. The 2024 Grand Marshal is Patricia Hintze and the Senior of the Year is Edna Frasier. Prizes will be given for the following categories: Best In Parade, Most Creative, Most Patriotic, Best Adirondack, Most Humorous, and Best Youth, as well as Honorable Mention Adult and Youth. Winners will be announced at the Memorial Dedication Service in the Hague Town Park following the parade.
If any bands, businesses, organizations, or community member are interested in participating in the 2024 parade, contact Desiree at the Town of Hague by calling 518-543-6161.
Following Parade: Memorial Dedication Service at the Hague Town Park
“Memorial Day commemorates all who have died in military service for the United States of America. We are honored to host the annual celebration in Hague, NY as a tribute to these men and women. This event brings community members, area residents, and visitors all together each May. I am thrilled to be working closely with Desiree LaPointe from the Town of Hague during the 2024 preparations, as she transitions to be the new event Chairperson,” shared Maureen Cherubini – Current Town of Hague Memorial Day Celebration Chairperson.
The Town of Hague Annual Parade and FunFest would not be possible without the leadership of Committee Chairperson, Maureen Cherubini. The Town of Hague would like to thank Maureen for her dedication and commitment to the Memorial Day Celebration. Maureen has served as the Chairperson and a committee member for many years.
“On behalf of the Town of Hague, I would like to share my deep appreciation for Maureen Cherubini for her countless hours of dedication to this celebration and the community of Hague as a whole. Maureen has been shining example for many years of how you can make a positive impact in your community as a volunteer. I would also like to thank Desiree LaPointe for stepping up in 2024 to learn the ropes in plans to lead this celebration moving forward. The committee does need additional volunteers. I encourage Hague residents to connect with us to learn more,” shared Josh Patchett, Town of Hague Supervisor.
For more information on the 2024 Memorial Day Celebration, 21st Annual Parade & FunFest visit www.townofhague.org or call 518-543-6161. For general visitor information, calendar of events or a business directory visit www.ticonderogany.com or call 518-585-6619.