18 Jan Small Business Services Continue at the Chamber 2018
The Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) will continue to partner closely with the North Country Small Business Development Center (North Country SBDC) by providing their services directly at the Chamber office throughout 2018. The Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce office is located at 94 Montcalm Street, Suite 1 in downtown Ticonderoga. The NCSBDC brings additional resources to the Chamber for area businesses and those looking to start a business.
The North Country SBDC is a TACC partner that offers an array of services in addition to the support and services the Chamber provides. North Country SBDC service dates are typically on the second Tuesday of each month unless otherwise indicated. Appointments are required for all of the dates listed below to provide the best possible service to all clients. Appointments can be made by calling the North Country SBDC at 518-564-2042.
2018 Dates (Schedule is subject to change):
February 13th
March 13th
April 10th
May 1st (first Tuesday of the month)
June 12th
July 10th
August 14th
September 11th
October 9th
November 13th
December 11th
In addition, the Chamber is working with the North Country Small Business Development Center as well as other business support partners to host a series of business seminars in the spring and fall of 2018. All seminars are free for Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce members. Look for information on the 2018 Business Seminars to be announced. All attendees must register directly with the TACC.
The North Country Small Business Development Center (North Country SBDC) at Plattsburgh is part of a statewide network of 24 regional centers located throughout New York State. The New York State SBDC (NYS/SBDC) is accredited by the Association of Small Business Development Centers (ASBDC) and has more than two decades of serving the small business community.
Their core services are:
Free and confidential one-on-one counseling,
Market/industry research assistance
Customized business training seminars
The North Country SBDC is supported by the State University of New York and the U.S. Small Business Administration to provide high quality business counseling and training to New Yorkers who want to start a business or improve the performance of an existing business. Due to this support, their services are free of charge. Their staff is comprised of business professionals with either small business ownership or executive management experience. They can help you develop practical solutions to deal with the challenges of starting and operating a successful business.
The NCSBDC is physically located at 194 US Oval at the former Plattsburgh Air Force Base. The SBDC business advisors provide support to North Country entrepreneurs by providing information, counseling, technical assistance and training to help them meet the challenge of today’s complex economy.
Counselors will tailor one-on-one counseling to meet your needs. Topics commonly addressed include:
Business plan development / Cash flow projections
Financial analysis / Legal and regulatory information
Marketing assistance / Business start-up information
Buying and selling a business / Human resource development
Import/export assistance / Government procurement
“Through our partnership with the North Country SBDC we are able to offer additional support and services to our Members, Ticonderoga Area businesses, and potential new businesses. I would like to thank the North Country SBDC for their continued dedication to the Chamber and the Ticonderoga Area Business Community. Whether you are thinking of starting a business or have been in business for years, the North Country SBDC and the Chamber can offer you assistance and guidance in an array of areas. Make your appointment today,” shared Matthew Courtright – TACC Executive Director.
For more information visit www.ticonderogany.com, email chamberinfo@ticonderogany.com or call 518-585-6619. To make an appointment with the North Country SBDC call 518-564-2042 or visit www.northcountrysbdc.org.