17 Mar TACC Highlights Productive Year – Annual Board Meeting Held – Review of 2021
2021 proved to be a productive year for the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) and they are excited to share brief highlight of their accomplishments that were reviewed at their recent Annual Board Meeting. The annual report highlighted the Chamber’s work throughout 2021, which was categorized by their key areas of focus including Membership, Business, Tourism, Communications, Leadership, and organization. An additional General Information category was also included.
Below is an Annual Report “Snap Shot,” a brief highlight of the year. The TACC serves as the Ticonderoga Area Business & Visitor Center.
- 321 Total Members – 33 New Members
- 6 New Member Benefits Launched
- Assisted numerous members with specific needs, requests, support, services, and assistance on an ongoing basis
- Many Valuable & Important Member Benefits Maintained & Expanded
- See TACC Member Benefits 101, Membership Information Packet, and an array of Membership Benefit information on www.ticonderogany.com.
- Business Support, Services & Assistance Provided 928 Times (current & potential businesses)
- Distributed PPE To Over 200 Businesses
- Distributed Hand Sanitizer To Over 400 Community Members
- Provided COVID Resources & Services To Over 500 Businesses & Organizations
- 65 Businesses & Organizations Directly Assisted With COVID Funding, Compliance, & Emergency Needs
- 2 Successful Business Transitions *Numerous others businesses are currently being assisted.
- 5 Business Workshops/Webinars/Trainings Hosted *Additional hosted/ provided by partners.
- 5 Companies Contacted Promoting Ticonderoga Area
- Soft Launched Branded Small Towns Big Opportunities Initiative *The TACC team has been working on this initiative prior to the pandemic but had to switch focus to provide immediate/emergency assistance to Members & Area Businesses. Final initiative is being launched in 2022.
- 45,000 Users On TACC Website
- 40,000 Views On Google My Business Listing
- 46,000 People Reached Via Facebook
- Multiple Marketing Projects & Website Updates
- 10 Blogs Written For Lake Champlain Region/Adirondacks, USA
- Over 30 Events Hosted & Coordinated
- 35 Fishing Tournaments Hosted & Coordinated
- Over 1200 Events Entered & Updated On TACC & LCR Websites
- 3100 Event Inquiries
- 3800 Visitors Directly Assisted
- Event inquires & visitors assisted counts only include Walk-In, Phone Calls, Emails & Social Media Messages where TACC gave one on one assistance. This does not include use of our website, marketing efforts, social media efforts, etc.
- 65 TACC Memos/Digital Communications Sent
- 13 COVID-19 Communication Updates Sent
- 54 Press Releases Issued
- Worked With Over 40 Media Outlets
- *See TACC Did You Know for more INFO on services provided to the community.
TACC Partners with numerous organizations including the Town of Ticonderoga, Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism, Lake Champlain Region Visitor Center, North Country Chamber of Commerce, Ticonderoga Montcalm Street Partnership, Small Business Development Center, Adirondack Trail Riders, eVision Digital Marketing, Essex County Industrial Development Agency, Adirondack North Country Association, Center For Businesses In Transition, Town of Hague, PRIDE of Ticonderoga & the Adirondack Economic Development Corporation.
TACC also works closely with other area organizations and economic development agencies locally, regionally, and at the state level. TACC also communicates regularly with local, regional, and state representatives advocating for the business community and the Ticonderoga Area as a whole. Our collective efforts and our Key Areas of Focus create our Economic Development efforts.
Thank You To Our Staff, Board, Ambassadors, Young Professionals, Members & Partners For Making 2021 A Positive & Productive Year! The TACC continually focuses on creating a strong team representing all types of businesses, organizations, and communities. Visit www.ticonderogany.com for an up-to-date list of Team TACC members.
- 1825 Business Inquiries
- *Inquiries looking for business or organization contact information or hours of operation. This count only includes via walk-in, phone, email & social media messages.
- 59 Living Here Inquiries
- 261 Employment Inquiries
- 79 Job Opportunities Posted
- 4160 Job Opportunities Viewed
- TACC coordinates and host numerous committees and meetings. In addition, Team TACC attends and participates in an array of external meetings and serve on several local and regional boards.
“Thank you! Thank you to our Members, Partners, Board of Directors, Ambassadors, Volunteers, and Young Professionals for your continued commitment, dedication, support and coordination. You make all of our member benefits, services, programs, events, and initiatives possible. Without your support we would not be able to continue to move the Chamber and community forward. While 2021 certainly had its challenges, especially as the pandemic continued, the Chamber team worked diligently to ensure all of our normal work and services continued and were strengthened. We also provided important COVID-19 member and community resources and services. In addition, Team TACC was still able to implement projects, new member benefits and services, and plan for our collective future” commented Matthew Courtright – TACC President & CEO.
2021 Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce Team:
Matthew Courtright, President & CEO
Erin Mullen, Member Service & Event Manager
Kelly Carey, Office Administrator & Farmers Market Manager
*Note all staff serves as Visitor Service Representatives
Board of Directors:
Executive Committee:
Board Chair: Carolyn Ida, Sylvamo
Vice Chairs: Allison Kaupelis, Best Western Plus Ticonderoga, Sally Rypkema, Hague Market / Juniper on 2
Secretary: Laurie Cossey, Ticonderoga Central School
Treasurer: Karen Hennessy, Sugar Hill Manor B&B
Directors: Mark Barber, Burleigh’s Luncheonette, Kellie Bilow, Lakeside Regional Church, Joseph Bodette, The Candy Corner/Bodettes, Rikki Galusha, Adirondack Camp, Maletta Hourigan, Silver Bay YMCA/Your Quilt Shoppe, Selena LeMay-Klippel, North Country Community College, Renee Scuderi, Tromblees Greenhouse & Gifts, Starr Smith, Glens Falls National Bank, & Kristen True, UVHN-Elizabethtown Community Hospital, Ticonderoga Campus.
Immediate Past Chair: Shana Macey, Bridge Point Communication/CPTELCO
Ex-Officio: Joseph Giordano, Town of Ticonderoga Supervisor
In addition, the Chamber has Committee Chairs and Committee Volunteers that are not TACC Board Members including Jodi Gibbs, Ambassador Chairperson, June Curtis, Farmers Market Chairperson/Advisor, Theresa Abare, Community Appreciation Dinner & Awards Ceremony Chairperson. All TACC Board Members, Ambassadors, Committee Chairs, and Committee Members are volunteers who are dedicated to the mission and vision of the Chamber.
2021 Ambassadors: Jodi Gibbs (Chairperson), UVMHN-ECH, Angela Brown, Century 21 Adirondacks, Marie Gijanto, Spic-N-Span Cleaning, Nancy Ockrin, Stoney Lonesome B&B, Ashley Pezanowski, Sylvamo, Lena Robetoy, Champlain National Bank, Judy Walker, Ticonderoga Festival Guild, Megan Walls, Lakeside Regional Church, Courtney Shaner, Julie & Co. Realty, Terry Smith, Ticonderoga Heritage Museum, and Megan Bambara, Ti Automotive.
The TACC coordinates the Ticonderoga Area Young Professionals Network with a number of local young professionals.
2021 Partners: Town of Ticonderoga, Essex County Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism/Lake Champlain Region Visitor Center, Plattsburgh North Country Chamber of Commerce, Ticonderoga Montcalm Street Partnership (serves as the TMSP Coordinator), Small Business Development Center, Adirondack Trail Riders, eVision Digital Marketing/Ticonderoga360, Essex County Industrial Development Agency, the Adirondack North Country Association/Center For Businesses In Transition, Town of Hague, and the Adirondack Economic Development Corporation. TACC works closely with other area/regional organizations and economic development agencies on a regular basis including Essex County Industrial Development Agency and PRIDE of Ticonderoga.
The TACC serves, markets, and promotes their Members, Partners, and the Ticonderoga Area including Ticonderoga, Crown Point, Hague, Moriah, and Putnam, NY. The Chamber works hard each and every day to live their tag line and mission and strive to reach their vision. Key Area of focused are used to identify services, programs, goals and objectives.
TACC Mission: To initiate and provide programs, services, and leadership which will enhance a cooperative business community and create a vibrant economy, making the Ticonderoga Area an exceptional place to live, work, and visit.
TACC Vision: The TACC will be the leading advocate for business, serving as a driving force in the economic vitality of the greater Ticonderoga Area, uniting communities and maximizing resources.
TACC Tagline: Business Focused. Community Minded. Future Driven.
Key Areas of Focus:
Membership: Membership Services, Growth, & Retention
Business: Business Services, Support, & Development
Tourism: Marketing, Events, & Visitor Services
Communication: Public, Business, & Community Relations
Leadership: Partnerships, Economic Development/Sustainability, & Advocacy
Organization: Finance, Staff & Board of Directors/Ambassadors
For more information contact the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce at 518-585-6619, or visit www.ticonderogany.com. Stay up to date on news, programs, services, and events by liking and following the Chamber on facebook and instagram.