17 Dec Ticonderoga, Main Street Revitalization – Microenterprise Grant Program
The Essex County Industrial Development Agency, in partnership with the Town of Ticonderoga and the Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce, was awarded a 2019 Adirondack Park Community Smart Growth Grant Program for a Microenterprise Program. The total amount awarded for this program is $100,000, provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to strengthen links between community and visitors and the surrounding recreational and cultural resources. The Microenterprise Grant Program (MGP) will soon be available for local businesses located or to be located along main street / central business district.
A public information meeting for potential applicants will be held on Monday, January 6, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall in Ticonderoga located at 132 Montcalm Street, Ticonderoga, New York 12883.
The MGP was established to provide grants to eligible expanding or start up Microenterprise businesses that propose eco-tourism related initiatives, located in Ticonderoga. Qualified businesses will be identified through an application process and must participate in the Microenterprise Training Program to be held on Monday, January 13th from 8:30 to 4:00 at the Town Hall in Ticonderoga, located at 132 Montcalm Street, Ticonderoga, New York 12883.
The Micro Training program will be conducted by the SUNY Canton Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Clinton Community College at a cost of $60 per business (which may be eligible for reimbursement for grant recipients). The applications will be due on February 4, 2020 by noon at the Essex County IDA’s office in Elizabethtown. The timeline for improvements is expected to be completed by November 30, 2020.
The MGP is specifically targeting assistance for entrepreneurs whose business provides visitor services and supports the Ticonderoga Destination Master Plan Strategy for tourism (such as restaurants, supplies, goods, services, accommodations and health care related businesses). The Ticonderoga Destination Master Plan envisions that the growth of history-related tourism, coupled with an expanding arts and crafts economy and outdoor recreation will support expanded tourism investment by both public and private sectors, generating jobs and business opportunities for people who live in Ticonderoga.
The program will provide resolution to small businesses lack of access to capital and assist businesses to offer a more relevant mix of wares, goods and services to help improve the viability of the businesses, to become more sustainable and retain and create new jobs.
The MGP will address the critical need for new and expanding goods and services for visitors attracted to the area for its historic and cultural resources. It will also support businesses that cater directly to the recreational visitor along main street in the community’s center of economic activity. Grants awarded to businesses in the community’s centers can enhance areas that are designed to be market driven and offer the potential for walkability, increased commercial activity, and multiple consolidated quality visitor services in one area.
A microenterprise is a business that employs nine (9) full time equivalent or fewer persons, including the owners, located in and providing services in the program area. To be eligible for assistance, a microenterprise must retain or create jobs. The grant funds can be used for the purchase of inventory, equipment, furniture and fixtures, operational costs, marketing, working capital and startup costs.
“There is a buzz of exciting development along our (Ticonderoga) main streets and the infusion of these grant dollars will further energize the efforts of local businesses to continue cultivating creativity, diversity and enjoyable experiences for all who stroll our streets!” Joseph Giordano, Supervisor, Town of Ticonderoga.
“Microenterprise Programs are very instrumental in spurring economic development by assisting small businesses located or to be located along main streets, which will help to cultivate and build more viable communities. We appreciate Governor Cuomo and Commissioner Seggos for providing us with the opportunity to reinvest in our communities” Carol Calabrese, Co Executive Director / CEO.
“We are excited to be working closely with the Essex County Industrial Development Agency (ECIDA) to implement this Micro-Enterprise Grant. We are truly thankful for their partnership on this program and throughout the year. The ECIDA continued hard work, dedication to, and coordination with our region is to be commended. We work hard each and every day at the Chamber to serve, market, and promote our Members, the business community, and the Ticonderoga Area, as well as move the economy of the communities we serve forward, improving the quality of life and options available to the residents, and enhancing the visitors experience. This grant can assist existing businesses with growth and expansion and new entrepreneurs with start-up businesses in Ticonderoga, within the specific eligible district as defined by the grant. While this particular grant may not be available to all businesses or areas, we are always working with our partners to identify other available opportunities and resources. We will never stop working for the betterment of the Ticonderoga Area as well as improving our services and programs we offer to our Members and the business community. Together is the only way to succeed and we are honored to continue to work closely with our local and regional partners on this exciting program and other initiatives in 2020,” shared Matthew Courtright – TACC President & CEO.
For information on the Micro Grant Program, please contact the Essex County IDA at 518-873-9114. To register for the Micro Training Program, please contact the SBDC at 518-324-7232.