19 Jan Update the TACC Online Calendar
The Ticonderoga Area Chamber of Commerce is continually working to improve the Ticonderoga Area Calendar of Events to remain the central calendar for the area. TACC is looking for area businesses, organizations, and committees to share their event information as well as a schedule of upcoming special events. The calendar will serve as the central location for the Chamber, community members, and visitors in finding events within the area and answering event questions, as well as a referencing tool used when planning future events in the Ticonderoga area.
“It is important to keep a centralized calendar, where information about events can be shared, not only to promote the area, but to eliminate as many scheduling conflicts as possible. We strongly encourage area businesses and organizations to share information in regards to their 2018 events as soon as possible. In addition we encourage everyone to use the calendar and contact the Chamber when choosing dates to host an event. Molly Bechard the Chamber’s Visitor & Member Service Manager along with the Administrative Assistant Katelyn Chevier keep the calendar as up to date as possible. We also assist in keeping the Lake Champlain Region calendar up to date. Please help the Chamber showcase all the events the area has to offer by providing event information on a regular basis,” stated Matthew J. Courtright – TACC Executive Director.
While individual events are encouraged to be submitted to the community calendar, organizations can also submit their yearly schedule of events. Events can be submitted directly on www.ticonderogany.com, by emailing chamberinfo@ticonderogany.com, by visiting the Chamber office.
For additional information regarding the Ticonderoga Area Calendar of Events visit www.ticonderogany.com, email chamberinfo@ticonderogany.com, or call 518-585-6619.